当前位置:首页 > 新闻中心 > 总部新闻 > 喜报|高中部学子获EconPlus经济学创新赛铜奖!


 发布于:2024-05-07 17:25  浏览:517次
编者按: 近期,EconPlus2024经济学创新赛公布成绩,来自嘉兴市青鸟同文实验学校的Pre-DP/G10 Miles陆劲屹,DP1/G11 Jeff陈捷夫两位同学凭借优异表现,首次参赛便收获赛事大奖!在为我校学科竞赛领域增添新的活力与光彩的同时,也为同学们在积极参赛,勇于尝试探索等方面树立了榜样!













Miles 陆劲屹

I am honored to have received the bronze award in the economics business competition. I would like to express my gratitude to the senior who led our team in the competition and gave us valuable advice while we were preparing our presentation, which helped our team achieve excellent results. Overall, this business competition was a great experience. I hope to use this as motivation to continue moving forward and striving for excellence in the future.



Jeff 陈捷夫

The award won by EconPlus 2024 in Economics Social Innovation Research has deepened my understanding of economic theory and made me realize its application value in practical social problems. At the same time, this award is an affirmation of my efforts and an encouragement for my future academic exploration. EconPlus 2024在经济学社会创新研究中获得的奖项加深了我对经济学理论的理解,让我意识到经济学理论在实际社会问题中的应用价值。同时,这个奖项也是对我努力的肯定和对我未来学术探索的鼓励。





Nikki 张嘉尹

TWS(Jiaxing) Secondary School DP1/G11 Homeroom Teacher

Business Management Teacher

Winning EconPlus 2024 in Economics Social Innovation Research is a remarkable achievement for Jeff and Miles. It reflects their understanding of economic principles and a keen awareness of their application in solving real-world challenges. This accomplishment highlights their analytical skills,  creativity, and commitment to achieving academically. Congratulations to both Jeff and Miles on their success! Keep it up! 赢得 EconPlus 2024 经济学社会创新研究奖对 Jeff 和Miles 来说是一项了不起的成就。这反映了他们对经济原理的理解以及对其在解决现实世界挑战中的应用的敏锐意识。这一成就凸显了他们的分析能力、创造力和对学术成就的承诺。祝贺他们取得成果!继续努力!